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Doing 2025-03-15T19:13:59-03:00 [talk]

I have been thinking of writing again for a while, even if I have some topic I want to write about, I don't seem to put that much effort or thought into it.

Sometimes it's worse as when I finally sit down, like now, I don't quite seem to find what I want to say.

Anyways, this is the manga I bought for this month, I was thinking on getting a chess book, but it may wait the next month. I'm quite excited about the Manga book from Araki, it was something I wasn't expecting to find, nor that it would be as cheap as it was (11~usd vs 20~usd for a "normal" book), I already have a book that has a similar tematic, the one from Haruki Murakami. Even thought it is quite interesting, and I've come close to the middle of it, somehow it doesn't really get me fully inmersed into it as I haven't really read him... I have a book from him, but it's one of those depressing ones that I never seem to get into, or at least it felt like that the several times I've tried to read it.

Today I write from within a coffee shop, I went out to have something different and actually work, since I can't seem to find myselt to work on the things I'm being paid to work during the week, so I work a bit more during the weekend, it's not that much but I think that these times really push a little bit more of work that I really need to implement. I think I'm finding a good pace of working, I'm not doing overwork nor am working too little as for it to be boring. These last months have been fun and I'm excited for continuing with my current workplace.

I haven't actually read a single page from any of the books I bought yesterday... Perhaps I should do it now.