Yet another try of making a website

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Future 2025-01-15T18:50:01-03:00 [talk]

I still debate whether or not to write this article. It's been some time since my life kind of took a turn and i found a new job that I liked, I started to feel better with myself and things just sort of went into a better direction.

Some things I still struggle with, but the same sense of impending doom isn't there.

I guess hope for the future is the thing that I must believe in.

Even if it's false, I don't think anything good could come out if I just gave up.

Newcoming things like AI do seem to go faster than we can imagine, but at the same time, sometimes it seems like a bubble. Is it really that different to the industrial revolution?

I wouldn't be able to tell you. Until it happens, if it ever happens.

That said I do think that staying by waiting for something to happen will not bring you much.

Learning seems interesting in some regards related to this.

While I still have places where I can learn new things and move forward in the "work" kind of sense, I don't spend all my time doing that, not even 10% of my time. I tend to use my time to learn the things that I like to do. Even if they don't bring me any monetary value.

Recently I have been playing and looking into chess. I think it's going to be my new hobby, It's super interesting and I could probably find a second hand chess board for a few bucks instead of buying a new one.

It's a tough battle deciding between trying to make more money and also using your time to do things that you love.