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// Implements smooth scrolling when clicking on an anchor link.
// This is required instead of using modern CSS because Chromium does not currently support scrolling
// one element with scrollTo while another element is scrolled because of a click on a link. This would
// thus not work with the ToC scrollspy and e.g. footnotes.
// Here are additional links about this issue:
// -
// -
// -
// -
// -
const anchorLinksQuery = "a[href]";
function setupSmoothAnchors() {
document.querySelectorAll(anchorLinksQuery).forEach(aElement => {
let href = aElement.getAttribute("href");
if (!href.startsWith("#")) {
aElement.addEventListener("click", clickEvent => {
let targetId = aElement.getAttribute("href").substring(1);
// The replace done on ':' is here for footnotes, as this character would otherwise interfere when used as a CSS selector.
let target = document.querySelector(`#${targetId.replace(":", "\\:")}`) as HTMLElement;
window.history.pushState({}, "", aElement.getAttribute("href"));
scrollTo({ top: target.offsetTop, behavior: "smooth" });
export { setupSmoothAnchors };