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There’s not much about it yet, the first chapter is nothing but i just wanted to start doing something.
Sometimes i feel bad about not making projects or leaving them unfinished, I guess by doing them by myself alone I can go and rush them quickly and learn from experience that way, I’m not that good with long projects.'>< title > New comic< / title >
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There’s not much about it yet, the first chapter is nothing but i just wanted to start doing something.
Sometimes i feel bad about not making projects or leaving them unfinished, I guess by doing them by myself alone I can go and rush them quickly and learn from experience that way, I’m not that good with long projects.'>
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There’s not much about it yet, the first chapter is nothing but i just wanted to start doing something.
Sometimes i feel bad about not making projects or leaving them unfinished, I guess by doing them by myself alone I can go and rush them quickly and learn from experience that way, I’m not that good with long projects.">< meta name = "twitter:card" content = "summary_large_image" >
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< p > After a rush of autism I decided to make another comic and name it “commited lines”< / p >
< p > < img src = "/blog/old_site/new_comic/home.webp"
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>< / p >
< p > There’s not much about it yet, the first chapter is nothing but i just wanted to start doing something.< / p >
< p > Sometimes i feel bad about not making projects or leaving them unfinished, I guess by doing them by myself alone I can go and rush them quickly and learn from experience that way, I’m not that good with long projects.< / p >
< p > I have a new plushie though.< / p >
< p > I also found a place that sells little models of different kinds of vehicles.< / p >
< p > I’ll be sure to check them out since I wanted to play with legos but they’re kind of expensive.< / p >
< p > Believe it or not, these are actually cheaper.< / p >
< p > < img src = "/blog/old_site/new_comic/image_2.webp"
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