# -- Main Menu --
# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
#   name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
#   pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.

  name = "Blog"
  pageRef = "posts"
  weight = 10

  name = "Categories"
  pageRef = "categories"
  weight = 20

  name = "Comics"
  pageRef = "page/comics"
  weight = 30

  name = "Friends"
  pageRef = "friends"
  weight = 30

# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.

   name = "RSS"
   url = "https://the.waifuism.life/index.xml"
   weight = 10

# [[footer]]
#   name = "Categories"
#   pageRef = "categories"
#   weight = 20