[Told me to make a nice description, so here is a nice description. ~~(Sorry i couldn't came out with a nice description)~~](https://tapiocanation.xyz/) | [Yomuyomuyomu aaaaaaaaaaa (He is very nice to me)](https://yomuchan.neocities.org) | [Programmer and guitar player in the making.](https://8777.ch/)
[Tea enjoyement with a bit of toho.](https://firmwarejun.net/) | [Intense shitposting via thoughtful images.](https://fluoridewastelands.neocities.org/)
Jun | Joe | Lunarized
:---: | :---: | :---:
[Tea enjoyement with a bit of toho.](https://firmwarejun.net/) | [Intense shitposting via thoughtful images.](https://fluoridewastelands.neocities.org/) | [Bitterless tastes of friendship](https://lunarised.com/)