Commited_Lines Comic website
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202 lines
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//comic_show.js was created by geno7, with much needed assistance from Dannarchy
//this is the script that actually displays the comics, nav and comic title on the page.
//below are what's called some "function calls", each one is responsible for making an element of the page. to get something to actually show up on the page, all you'd need to do is make a div with a class that has the same name as the function call. i.e. writeNav shows comic navigation, to show it on a page youd use <div class="writeNav"></div> wherever you want it to be. You can even put multiple divs with that same class name and it'll display multiple instances of the navigation.
//a couple of the function calls have toggles too.
writeNav(true); //show navigation for comic pages. to toggle either images or text for nav, set this to true or false.
writePageTitle(".writePageTitle", true, " - "); //write title of page. true/false
writePageClickable(".writePageClickable",true); //show the current page. to toggle whether pages can be clicked to move to the next one, set this to true or false.
/* writeAuthorNotes(".writeAuthorNotes"); */
keyNav(); //enables navigation through the comic with the arrow keys and WSAD. It doesn't need a div with a class name, it automatically works. delete or comment out (add // at the beginning) here to disable.
// below this point is more under-the-hood type stuff that we only encourage messing with if you're more familiar with js,
// but it's still commented as extensively as possible anyway just in case
//SHOW COMIC PAGE, with clickable link
function writePageClickable(div,clickable) {
if (!clickable) {
document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `<div class="comicPage">${writePage()}</div>`; //display comic page without link
} else if (pg < maxpg) {
//check whether comic is on the last page
document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `<div class="comicPage"><a href="?pg=${pg + 1}${navScrollTo}"/>${writePage()}</a></div>`; //display comic page and make it so that clicking it will lead you to the next page
} else {
document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `<div class="comicPage">${writePage()}</div>`; //display comic page without link
function writePageTitle(div,toggleNum, char) {
if (pgData.length >= pg) {
//display title of current page
document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `<h1>${pgData[pg - 1].title}</h1>`;
if (toggleNum) {
//toggle whether you want to display the page number
document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `<h1>${pgData[pg - 1].pgNum + char + pgData[pg - 1].title}</h1>`; //char denotes a separating character between the number and the title
/* function writeAuthorNotes(div) { //display author notes
if (pgData.length >= pg) {
return document.querySelector(div).innerHTML = `${pgData[pg-1].authorNotes}`
} */
//function used to split pages into multiple images if needed, and add alt text
function writePage() {
let partExtension = ""; //part extension to add to the url if the image is split into multiple parts
let altText = ""; //variable for alt text
let path = (folder != "" ? folder + "/" : "") + image + pg + partExtension + "." + ext; //path for your comics made out of variables strung together
let page = ``;
if (pgData.length < pg) { //if the array is blank or not long enough to have an entry for this page
console.log("page code to insert - " + page);
console.log("alt text to print - " + altText);
page = `<img alt="` + altText + `" title="` + altText + `" src="` + path + `" />`;
return page;
} else if (pgData.length >= pg) { //if the array is not blank, and if its at least long enough to have an entry for the current page
altText = pgData[pg - 1].altText; //set alt text to the text defined in the array
if (pgData[pg-1].imageFiles > 1) { //if theres more than one page segment
for (let i = 1; i < pgData[pg-1].imageFiles+1; i++) { //for loop to put all the parts of the image on the webpage
partExtension = imgPart + i.toString();
path = (folder != "" ? folder + "/" : "") + image + pg + partExtension + "." + ext; //reinit path (there has to be a less dumb way to do this)
if (i > 1) {page += `<br/>`} //add line break
page += `<img alt="` + altText + `" title="` + altText + `" src="` + path + `" />`; //add page segment
} else {
page = `<img alt="` + altText + `" title="` + altText + `" src="` + path + `" />`;
console.log("page code to insert - " + page);
console.log("alt text to print - " + altText);
return page;
console.log("array blank/not long enough? " + (pgData.length < pg));
console.log("array length - " + pgData.length);
console.log("current page - " + pg);
console.log("number of page segments - " + pgData[pg-1].imageFiles);
console.log("alt text - " + `"` + pgData[pg - 1].altText + `"`);
console.log("nav text - " + navText);
console.log("nav image file extension - " + navExt);
function imgOrText(setImg,navTextSet) { //function that writes the indicated nav button as either an image or text
if (setImg) { //if its an image
return `<img src="` + navFolder + `/nav_` + navText[navTextSet].toLowerCase() + `.` + navExt + `" alt="` + navText[navTextSet] + `" />`;
} else {
return navText[navTextSet];
function writeNav(imageToggle) {
let writeNavDiv = document.querySelectorAll(".writeNav");
writeNavDiv.forEach(function(element) {
element.innerHTML = `<div class="comicNav">
function firstButton() {
if (pg > 1) {
//wait until page 2 to make button active
return `<a href="?pg=` + 1 + navScrollTo + `"/>` + imgOrText(imageToggle, 0) + `</a>`;
} else {
if (!imageToggle) {
return imgOrText(imageToggle, 0);
} else {
return ``;
function divider() {
if (!imageToggle) {
return ` | `;
return ``;
function prevButton() {
if (pg > 1) {
//wait until page 2 to make button active
return `<a href="?pg=` + (pg - 1) + navScrollTo + `"/>` + imgOrText(imageToggle, 1) + `</a>`;
} else {
if (!imageToggle) {
return imgOrText(imageToggle, 1);
} else {
return ``;
function nextButton() {
if (pg < maxpg) {
//only make active if not on the last page
return `<a href="?pg=` + (pg + 1) + navScrollTo + `"/>` + imgOrText(imageToggle, 2) + `</a>`;
} else {
if (!imageToggle) {
return imgOrText(imageToggle, 2);
} else {
return ``;
function lastButton() {
if (pg < maxpg) {
//only make active if not on last page
return `<a href="?pg=` + maxpg + navScrollTo + `"/>` + imgOrText(imageToggle, 3) + `</a>`;
} else {
if (!imageToggle) {
return imgOrText(imageToggle, 3);
} else {
return ``;
function keyNav() {
document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if ((e.key == 'ArrowRight' || e.key.toLowerCase() == 'd') && pg < maxpg) { //right arrow or D goes to next page
window.location.href = "?pg=" + (pg + 1) + navScrollTo;
} else if ((e.key == "ArrowLeft" || e.key.toLowerCase() == "a") && pg > 1) { //left arrow or A goes to previous page
window.location.href = "?pg=" + (pg - 1) + navScrollTo;
} else if (e.key.toLowerCase() == "w") { //W scrolls up
window.scrollBy({ top: -30 });
} else if (e.key.toLowerCase() == "s") { //S scrolls down
window.scrollBy({ top: 30 });